Tuesday Treasures - February 18, 2025
Earlier this year I shared this print on a Tuesday Treasures post, noting that the backing was stamped Mother of the Saviour, when it was in fact a young Jesus at 12 years old, detail after Heinrich Hofmann's The Boy Christ Disputing With the Temple Elders. Well, I was looking for a small frame and thought this print's might be the right size. I removed the backing, and Jesus, and lo and behold... there was Mother of the Saviour tucked in behind him! ("Saviour" being the British spelling, although Radio Picture Frame Co. was in New York.)
It's not the first hidden print I've discovered. In July I found four behind the one I bought.
In 2022 I found one of my oldest prints, an 1862 La Mode Illustree (French fashion magazine) hidden behind something I no longer have.
How fun to find these treasures hidden behind the other prints. Very special!