Wordy Wednesday - February 12, 2025

 Most of the snow is melted now.  The front yard, and front part of the roof still has quite a bit, as the sun doesn't hit there until late afternoon and doesn't stay long.   

These were taken a few days ago.  The melting snow has to go somewhere, so it goes to my already puddled far back yard area.

Before the driveway started clearing I had to drag the trash can out to the street.  That night a cat used the trail the wheels left as a walkway, following the curves one foot in front of the other.  Poor kitty.  Shouldn't have been out at night (or outside at all, house cats are safer indoors).

These last photos are at the playground.  

Crow prints.  I think the prints I posted a few days ago must have been crow's too. 

Funny how everyone knows snowmen have three body parts, even young children!  Like insects.  Head.  Thorax.  Abdomen.  I guess people are like that though.  Head.  Torso.  Limbs. 

While no more snow is in the forecast, it was 21° this morning when I got up. 🥶


  1. Melting snow will be a rarity next week here - another cold wave. We are under a winter weather advisory starting at 4pm tonight - sleet, freezing rain, who knows what else. Ditto for the entire weekend. Did I mention that I hate winter?

    1. I hate winter too! It's warmed up since Wed. Nights not in the 20s anymore.

  2. ...muddy season will soon arrive.

    1. Yeah, not something pleasant. There used to be wood chips there, but they either floated off one year or rotted away.

  3. Cute snowpeople. :) We are getting a snowstorm today--first one of the season, which is very unusual for us here in the Midwest. Spring is on the way!

    1. Hope the storm isn't too bad for you. I guess you thought you'd get away without one at all!

  4. Brrrr. How long will your backyard stay flooded?

    1. Oh, it will be puddled for weeks, then the mud. Fortunately, it's not near the house, it's in the far back. Unfortunately, Mickey gets to running and splashed right through, and once it's mud, oh, the mess! I don't bother trying to clean up the wet mud in the kitchen (no garage to clean him off, and it's not just his feet!), I let it dry and it's dust to sweep up.


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