Long Overdue Park Update on Skywatch Friday - February 2025

 I don't think I've updated progress on the nearby park since September 30th!  Not much changed in October and November.  Then I was sick for quite a bit of December and January, then there was rain and snow.  It was probably too muddy for them to work anyway, and might still be from the looks of it.

 Mickey and I got a recent chance to see what's been happening.  The sky looked rather threatening while we were there. (Skywatch Friday) The rain held out until we were on the way home.  Mickey tried to stop every few feet to shake the raindrops off. 

There is landscaping where it was weeds.  They took out two of my least favorite plants (I actually hate photinia and juniper bushes!). 

One of the construction fences is gone, so we could get closer to the area.  I took pictures through the chain link fence holes.

The blue I wondered about last time (just barely seen on the right) is the pickleball court.  Straight ahead is the splash pad area.

There were no picnic tables before, none!  

Or benches either.  It wasn't much of a park.  The oddly shaped things on the poles are part of the splash pad. 

We couldn't get close to the dog park area.  It has a covered bench, and a dog drinking fountain.  I'll let Mickey in but only if there are no other dogs, and on a long tether.  He gets interested in things and will ignore any commands or pleas to come back!  

As you can see, there is still a lot to do before it opens to the public.

The path is in though.

No sign of where the restrooms will be.  That is something else it didn't have before.  The playground remains the same, since that's the school's playground.  It's open after 5:00 during school days, holidays, and weekends.  Unless the someone in charge of the gate locks forgets to unlock the gates.  It's happened a few times.

It will be interesting to see if these upgrades will bring the visitors.  Maybe during the summer because of the splash pad.  In the past it's been just the two of us, and I called it Mickey's Park.  I could be wrong, there is talk of a nearby place of business forming a pickleball team!  That would be weekends, so I think it will remain Mickey's Park on weekdays, even with the dog park. 

Have a nice weekend. 


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