Library News

Okay, not really news.  Just some things in and around the library. 

Alana of Ramblin' With AM has blogged about mystery books, books wrapped up so you can't see the title, but a bit of about what it's about on the front (or maybe it's the back, they are wrapped!).  My library had a table of them last week.  Not to keep as in Alana's case, but to check out. 

 I tend to mostly check out mysteries and suspense, probably 95% of the time.   There weren't any mysteries left (they had to put out more it was such a popular thing!), so I chose this one.

Mickey related to the title.  Turns out it was on a to-read list of a family member!  Neither of us have read it yet.  I'm finishing my mysteries first.

No books were harmed, he just wanted me to screw up the paper wrapping and let him tear it up! 

The library window still isn't repaired.  Someone drove into it a few weeks ago.  There was glass all over inside, and the metal frame was all bent.  I didn't see it happen, but had pulled into a parking place just afterwards.   Not more than a few days later someone different drove in the front door of a nearby cafe in the same city.  At least I assume it was someone different!

There are a lot camellias and rhododendrons outside the library, and the camellias are starting to flower.  They get enough shade to do well.  I had some in containers, left by the previous owners, but they got too much sun and died.  Azaleas too. 

My gym is across the street from the library. I really need to get back into the routine of going. 


  1. ...the camellia is lovely, I wish that they were hardy here.

  2. Mickey, lol. Your photo of all the books lined up reminds me of elementary school book fair! The camellias are lovely.

  3. What a fun way to pick out a book. Someone actually drove into the office at one of the schools I work at. I assume it was an accident. It took them a while to get the repairs done, but now there are some column barriers between the curb and the building.


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