Wordy Herby Wednesday - March 19, 2025

I feel like it should be Wordy Herdy or Worby Herby. 

The Herb Garden (and herbs in other spots) are coming out of dormancy.  Things, all things, always look so much brighter when this happens!  Today's the last day, on the calendar, of winter! 

Roman Chamomile

Onion Chives (sometimes just referred to as "chives," but I also grow garlic chives, so...), and weeds.

Creeping Winter Savory 

French Tarragon (this is the "real" tarragon, which cannot be grown from seed.  It can be easily divided though.)

Orange Mint 

Oregano (unknown variety from a mixed herb seed packet).

Persian Catmint 

Woolly Apple Mint coming back in the paths from underground runners.

Either Greek Mountain Oregano or an unknown type (I got in trade for some text books nearly ten years ago) circling Queen Guinevere's plinth.  Along with a stonecrop that has turned into an invasive weed.  

Parsley and Garlic
Parsley is biennial, meaning it lives two years, the second year it flowers and sets seeds. I'm not sure which year this one is.

Garlic and Welsh Onions (I wintersowed the Welsh onions in 2018 for their flowers.  Now I use them as green onions.  They are perennial and are bunching onions, never forming a bulb.  The garlic here and above were from one store bought bulb that started sprouting.)

I've got other perennials coming back, and self-seeded annuals sprouting for another post. 


  1. ...slowly the earth is waking up here.

  2. I had to chuckle at your first sentence. Tee hee. Your herb garden is impressive: Now I'm imagining a soup... Happy almost spring!

  3. I am a wordy nerdy so your first sentence made me laugh out loud. . But "seriously folks", I love your herb garden and fresh herbs are one reason I wish i I still had a garden! Our gardening days are behind us because we are old and retired and also because we travel these days between Oregon (just up the freeway from you) and Florida. Farmers Markets are great for the veggies we no longer grow, but for best results in my experience, herbs really need to be picked the day you're planning to use them. Happy Spring!! Keep on growing.


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