Very Motley Monday - March 24, 2025

 Some little things hanging around in my To Post file...

I got these needle point pruners at the Dollar Tree.  I like to use scissors for daily deadheading and such, when it's the season, rather than pruners.  I thought these might be nice instead of old sewing scissors.  They do work nicely, I'll buy a few more.  My closet Dollar Tree redid the store, adding more price points.  Still a lot for $1.25, but now it resembles a mini market or 7-11 type place.  I also noticed some things for under $1.  I wouldn't buy my cats 75¢ cat food from there, but that's cheaper than the cheapest at grocery stores.

Benny the Fat Black Cat (who in December was told by the ER vet he was "morbidly obese") had to spend the night at the regular vet last week.  He'd quit eating and drinking.  X-ray showed some deterioration to the spine near his tail (the vet referred to it as "mushroomed"), which would cause pain, and sometimes cats just hide and stop eating and drinking when they hurt.  He's fine now, but taking antibiotics for the low level infection of Salmonella.  I'll admit, I probably am to blame for that.  It didn't occur to me that the raw chicken I give to the cats and Mickey when I cut up packages to freeze may very well have Salmonella!  Some animals can handle it, some can't.  The vet said raw diets can pass it along, as well as the bird 'flu. So, don't feed raw!  

Anyway, scenes from the vet's office.

The prettiest Kleenex box I've ever seen! 

Mickey and Benny thought I was eating something more interesting than I was!

I had a post prepared of the perennials coming back from dormancy, but previewing it just looked boring.  Here are just a few of the more picturesque! 

Russell Lupine is a short-lived perennial, so I grow some from seed every year or two.  I like how the raindrops or dew settle in the middle of the leaves like little magnifiers.

I am so glad I grew Persian catmint from seed years ago!  It may be my favorite plant in the garden.  Maybe.   So easy to grow and divide.  It self-seeds and stems can be rooted in water.  This is the first flower of the year.

One of my favorite weeds is blooming!  Purple or red deadnettle, a mint family member.  That means square stems, like with the catmint above.

I stepped over some branches to pull a few shotweed weeds and tripped and fell.  Took this photo on the way down!  I'm fine.  I had a bone density test last year, and I guess my bones are in great shape since I don't have to do it again for ten years.

I donated a bunch of stuff to St. Vincent de Paul on Saturday.  Even some artwork!  I made the deal with myself, if there was parking in front I'd go in.  There was, so I did.  And, was I ever glad!  Another container of antique postcards!  That's a post for another day. Probably not tomorrow. Here's a teaser of them before I cut them out of the unacceptable plastic!

Speaking of postcards, which I was, I have misplaced my album of U.S. state ones.  At least I hope it's misplaced.  My son wonders if it somehow got in a donation pile.  I doubt it.  All my postcard albums and boxes are kept in one place in my room, and only come out to the dining table when I work on them.  Back and forth. Never anywhere else. So, where is it?  Misplaced.  Not lost. I really, really hope not lost.


  1. $1.25, they don't have to last too long.

  2. Good deal on the snips. Sorry your cat was down in the dumps for a few days. That's always worrisome. Great photo of the lupine with water!

  3. I hope you find your postcards. It's easy to misplace things. It'll probably be in a spot you least expect.

    1. I found them today! Right where I'd moved them, out of the album I thought they were in!

  4. so many good things in this post. Mickey and Benny waiting for treats are so cute. Beautiful picture of water in the plant. I have purple deadnettle blooming too in my garden. Funny you posted the photo taken on your "way down"....and the postcards are awesome. How lucky of you..


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