Tuesday Treasures - March 4, 2025

 It had been awhile since I'd been in the Goodwill at the other end of town.  I stopped in after a grocery shopping trip, and was surprised to find several interesting and inexpensive things.  

My third Shona carving!   This was the expensive item at $4.04.

A vintage puppy trio from Japan.

6" drip glaze bud vase in my favorite blue! 

These vintage poodle pups used to be connected to their mother by chain leashes.  Originally the family had bows glued around their necks, and the oddest fake fur on the tops of their heads, and their mother's tail and legs. (Search for "vintage ceramic poodles with fake fur on heads" to see what I mean.) These had the bows, and glue residue on their heads, which I promptly soaked off!  

I almost didn't go, since I had groceries in the car.  I usually go before the grocery store, but I was driving from the other direction that morning.  


  1. Replies
    1. It's my favorite color blue, and I like drip glaze, so it was quite a find! $1.34 was a steal!


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