A Saturday Walk in the Park - August 19, 2023

 The air was clear and the temperature was under 80° (although should be near 100° later) earlier this morning!  Perfect for a walk in the neighborhood park.

Crape Myrtle 

Staghorn Sumac 

Sunflower (unknown variety)

This is growing right at a fence-line along a sort of access path between houses, from the street to the park. 

Last time Mickey and I were at the park I hurt my foot.   This time?  Mickey had an out of character dislike to a large golden retriever puppy and in pulling him away he knocked his big ol' hard head into my nose.  I had to wipe the dripping blood on my shirt all the way home.  Mickey is reactive, but not aggressive.  He throws himself into situations with excited abandon, and does not recognize other dog's body language.  The trainers say he missed some milestone of dog socialization in his puppyhood, around 4-5 months. Sometimes he is misunderstood, and sometimes he misunderstands.  I am not sure what happened today, the puppy looked a bit intimated by Mickey's gusto, so maybe it nipped him.  At any rate, it wasn't a fight, just a grumble and raised hair.  And blood.  But, that was mine.  


  1. Crepe myrtles aren't hardy where I live so I have to see them virtually. I love them. So thank you and hope your nose heals up quickly.

    1. I don't have any myself, but they sure are a bright spot around the neighborhood when other things are dull in the summer heat. My nose only hurts when I touch it! And I find I touch it far more often than I knew, rubbing or blowing!

  2. Replies
    1. Me too! I don't have one, so enjoy the ones on walks.

  3. Oh, sorry to hear about your injury. I'm glad the dogs didn't actually fight and hurt each other (or you, too much). The Sunflowers, Sumacs, and Crape Myrtles are beautiful!

    1. The sumac is so pretty in the autumn. I think the city has chopped it down a few times, but it suckers right back.

  4. Yikes. I hope you're no longer bleeding. I hope Mickey learns to pick up on cues, but I guess not, eh?


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