Saturday Stuff - August 5, 2023

 So, last Wednesday morning Mickey and I took a walk to the park.  The gate to the playground should have been unlocked (after-school, weekends, holidays), but it wasn't.  So, we took a rare route across the grass, which Mickey just loves.  How I wish that gate had been open.  I stumbled in a hole, probably a sunken sprinkler head (not terribly safe for children playing, but then again, this park seldom has a single one) and twisted my foot.  After the initial pain, it fortunately didn't hurt much until I got home.  

Mickey had a nice walk and was happy to take long nap.  For a two year old Border collie mix he isn't too demanding of exercise.  The cardboard take-out carrier is his.  He tears them up.  It's good to provide things like that for dogs to rip and tear.  Paper towel tubes, and cardboard egg cartons are good too. He fell asleep before he got a chance, however he got to it later!

My foot wasn't broken.  I went to urgent care Thursday morning.  Not my doctor's.  I'd have had to wait until they opened, maybe got a same-day appointment, maybe got one at my regular location.  However, even if I got the earliest appointment with my regular doctor, they don't do x-rays, so I'd have to have gone somewhere else too.  And sign in and wait.   And wait.  The urgent care is down the street, and I was in, x-rayed, and out, in less than an hour.  

So, I spent Wednesday through Friday mostly laying on the sofa with my foot up.  My posts were pre-scheduled for those days.  I must have known something was up!

Was I bored?  Did I watch a lot of T.V?  No to both.  My phone is entertaining, and I've been reading a lot.  I may have mentioned getting books at the Goodwill Outlet for 25¢ each.  I have plenty.

I've read a few of those before.  Of course To Kill a Mockingbird!  There are so many Richard Jury (the Martha Grimes) novels, like Agatha Christie's I forget who-dun-it.  Like the birch trunk painting in the back? It's from the Bins!  

Intermission - I spilled iced coffee on the keyboard.  I haven't discovered any sticky keys yet.  Good thing the keyboard was from St. Vincent de Paul (new in box - $7).

Something got delivered across the street, but I couldn't see what!  I held my phone up as high as I could.  Later my son saw, but still didn't know what it was, or what they are doing over there.  The crane part was remote controlled with claws on the end. Construction materials of an unknown sort!  Mickey keeps a close watch on the activity.  Here he is watching another truck waiting to get by.  They waited a long time.  They must not have been familiar with the neighborhood, because the street behind goes right back to where they were going.  

The foam board is necessary to keep Mickey from jumping on the windows.  The sofa is a few feet back, so he can still see out, just not crash about.

These are Dollar Tree gladiola, Pink Supreme and Traderhorn.  There are six bulbs in a pack for $1.25.  The white one in the background is part of their Purple Rain Mix.

Last Saturday Stuff is from last Saturday and illustrates why Mickey is inside when I hand water.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.   We're stuck in the 90° until next weekend, when the forecast is 100 again.


  1. Sorry about your foot. That sucks. At least it's not broken, but I'm sure it hurts. Rest. Sending you healing thoughts.


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