Insects in the Garden - June 2024

 When I was taking photos for Saturday's Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day I noticed quite a few insects in some of the shots.  I kept those back for today, and added in a few recent others.

Honeybees and Bumblebees (Yellow-Faced)

Sweat Bee

Mud Dauber (Digger Wasp, or Thread-waisted Wasp)


Ornate Checkered Beetle 

Potato Mirid 

This is a new bug (true bug) for me.  It feeds on buds and flowers of potatoes, carrots, nettles, and cannabis.  Guess what's a huge crop here in the valley?   Cannabis.

The underappreciated, yet important, pollinator, the Green Bottle fly.

I hope you all have a good week. 


  1. Cannabis bugs are appearing in your area? You don't say? I find this funny even though I shouldn't be surprised. The way the world changes...

    1. Yeah, cannabis is a big crop here (unfortunately, as it displaces the food crops), so the bugs follow. My city approves as many cannabis shops as apply, and the it's really embarrassing to show out of towners around. At the end of my street is the old highway and at the corner is a shop, and two more literally next to it. The city says they will "self regulate." So far, they keep reproducing! The city nearest me has zero.


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