Sunday Stamps - June 16, 2024

 Sunday Stamps

Fatherly Men 

There isn't much more fatherly than a man who takes a part in family planning! 

1972 U.S. Issued to highlight the importance of responsible family planning.  "The stamp aimed to address the issue of rapid population growth and promote awareness about birth control." (Microsoft Copilot)

DDR (German Democratic Republic, or East Germany)

Stamp Day 1951 featuring a dad and his children looking through a stamp album. 

Black and White is the theme for next week. 


  1. Teaching philately to his children? The best father ever ;)

  2. These look like fathers who engage with their children!

    1. I was fortunate to have an engaged father. He was 45 when I was born, and he was born in 1914, so for him to be as involved as he was was not the usual for the early '60s.

  3. In the past for Sunday Stamps, we had the theme of stamps about stamps. I agree, a great father to teach his children about stamp collecting!

  4. Two great stamps. In a way, the German stamp was way ahead of its time.

  5. Stamps I've never seen before - thanks for showing them!

  6. Love this double dose of "fatherly men"! The US stamp tackles a serious topic with a responsible dad figure, while the German stamp captures a heartwarming father-child bonding moment over stamps. Great finds! ‍‍


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