Skywatch Friday- June 7, 2024

 Skywatch Friday 

I was out of town most of this week, but did remember to find some skies!

A pre-dawn wait at the gate.

The Rogue River and Lower Table Rock

Forested mountains as far as the eye can see.  Half of Oregon is forestland, and 80% of that is classified as "timberland."   30.5 million acres of it.  It's still doesn't come near to Maine's nearly 90% forestland! 

Down below the farmland has such straight edges, while still being randomly shaped.

Mount Rainier, or at least a peek at two of its peaks. 

Part of the canopy over the terminal roadway at PDX.  

Mount Hood and the Columbia River.  There are two swing bridges over the Columbia, between Oregon and Washington State.   It was drizzly.

So, now I'm home in the hot weather!  Today is forecast to reach 97°.  At least that heat isn't supposed to last for days... yet. 

Have a nice weekend.   


  1. It looks like it was a nice trip.

  2. I've taken my share of pics through airplane windows and airports but it has been years since I have flown.
    Your observation about the farmland made me take another glance.

  3. Beautiful scenery. It's a joy to see Mt. Rainier again - I've flown into Seattle twice and saw nothing (fog) the first time - magnificent the second time.

    1. On some flights the views are so clear, but not this time. I was flying into PDX. I heard one woman tell her children, "Look, there's Mount Shasta." Oh, dear. It was all I could do to tell her that Shasta is the other direction!

  4. Beautiful series of photos. I didn't realize that both Oregon and Maine had so much forestland.

    1. There are quite a few states with more than even Oregon's 50%. It's nice to know!


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