Skywatch Friday - June 14, 2024

 Skywatch Friday 

The Federal Courthouse against a nearly-summer sky. 

I didn't know it was a Federal Courthouse when I took the photo.  I was parked on the street kitty-corner waiting for a passenger.  Now I feel a bit awkward taking the photo, like it was suspicious!  There is no parking allowed on the street right by it.   It is a lovely looking building.  It was constructed between 1915-1916, and expanded in 1940.

Have a nice weekend.


  1. That's a beautiful old courthouse. The brickwork certainly adds to the charm!

  2. ...this is a classic. I think the government recycled plans like this all across the country, we have some post offices here that look like cousins of this building.

  3. That's a great building, and it definitely pops against that very blue sky.

  4. Classic style. I’ve seen buildings a lot like this in Northern Virginia.

  5. It's a classic early 20th century government building look, isn't it. This must have been popular as I've seen buildings like this in many places. I never tire of it.

  6. Lovely building, beautiful photo!

  7. Beautiful old building. In Tulsa we have two federal courthouses for some reason. The big one is a an ugly mid century modern thing. The new one is more of a classical design with some beautiful columns. I've taken a ton of photos of it over the years. Some people on facebook report that back several years ago if the guards caught you taking a photo of it, they made you expose your film back in the day before digital photos.


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