Tuesday Treasures - June 25, 2024

 I haven't been thrifting much in the past month or so.  The weather is hot, so I haven't felt like going out.  Plus, there hasn't been much of interest when I do go.  I did take a couple trips to St. Vincent de Paul to look for postcards, which are just 5¢ each.  

I signed up on Postcrossing to send and receive postcards to and from all over the world.  So far I've sent six, four arrived to their destinations of the UK, Luxemburg, Germany, and Finland.  The other two are in the mail headed to Taiwan and China.  The next one goes to Canada.  You have to send one before you can receive (the postcards have a number the recipient uses online when they get your card) and it takes a long time for either since they aren't in the US.   You can opt to have domestic cards, but I chose not to.  I have gotten two.

One is from the Netherlands.  Of course, the back has a nice message!

Yesterday I received one from Brazil.  
On the back the sender wrote a Brazilian recipe, and a bit about herself.

The site matches you up for free, the only costs are postcards (you can make your own) and stamps. International stamps are $1.50 to anywhere in the world (for the US use a domestic postcard stamp, 53¢), postcard or letter.  

While I was there (St. Vincent de Paul, I got side-tracked writing about Postcrossing) I got this vintage cat made in Japan.  $1.25

I don't think I shared this sugar glaze cat I got at St. Vincent de Paul a few months ago.  You can see why it's called a sugar glaze. 1950s

There's a joke I've read on Instagram that if you don't take a shopping cart in the thrift store, you'll need it.  So, at Goodwill last Saturday I didn't take one, and low and behold, I had to go get one!  

While it's missing one wheel, this brass tanga (or tongo), or two-wheeled horse drawn cart, was still a bargain.  Tangas are still in use on the Indian sub-continent.

Garage sale season is in full swing, so there's hope for finding more treasures.


  1. I don't blame you for not wanting to go thrifting when it's so hot. Although, this is the time of year when people are getting rid of stuff. I did not know about that post card exchange. How fun.

    1. Early morning garage sales are fine, they open hours before the thrift stores! I was happy to find the postcard exchange! They come with interesting stamps too.

  2. Oh, the postcards are so fun! I wonder if my local St. Vinny's has some. I'll have to look the next time I shop. The brass tanga is nifty, too!

    1. It's the only thrift store where I've seen them. I find them now and then down in the Goodwill bins at the outlet store, but never for sale in the retail stores.

  3. I’m so glad you joined Postcrossing; I’ve been enjoying getting postcards and stamps from all over the world. Your kitties figurines are adorable!

    1. I learned about it from a blogger that participates in Thursday Postcard Hunt, it may have been you! I have lots of dog figurines, just a few cats. Just those that catch my eye as being a bit different. Plus, there seem to be many more dogs than cats, maybe because there are so many different breeds.


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