Skywatch Friday - June 21, 2024

 Skywatch Friday

There was a strange sunset rainbow the other night.  It wasn't raining, and the rainbow was just one color, a reddish orange.  I've not seen one like it before, however the Internet tells me it's a "red rainbow" (well, yeah...), and happens when the sun is low.  The blue and green in the sunlight are weak because of their "long journey through the atmosphere."  red rainbows

The link above also states, "If you’re watching a sunset, and there’s rain in the air, turn in the direction opposite the sun and watch for the elusive red rainbow."  So, I saw something "elusive"! 

The rest of the sunset was pretty too.

Have a nice weekend.  
Summer's here and so my weather's hot.


  1. Beautiful sky! Enjoy your weekend.

  2. ...lisa, this is interesting, a blogging friend from New York saw a similar sky.
    Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Gorgeous captures and interesting information, thank you.

  4. I posted a red rainbow, too, but I think yours was better. Until I researched it, I had never heard of such a thing and now someone else had one, too. Interesting!

  5. Wow, I’d never heard of a red rainbow before, yet now I’ve seen two people post their photos … your photos are amazing.

  6. Beautiful, and something I've never seen before. And as others have noted, two Skywatch posts this week about the mysterious red rainbow!

  7. I had never heard of a red rainbow before, and today you're the second person who blogged about one. (Alana already mentioned it. She was the first. That I saw, anyway.)

  8. It's amazing how nature can surprise us! Thanks for mentioning the science behind it, too. Makes you wonder what else we might be missing by not looking up more often.

  9. Awesome photos of the sky and rainbow! Wow!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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