A Very Late in the Day Motley Monday - August 12, 2024

 What a day...

This is the photo that cost me a phone last night.

I knew my screen was cracked.  Of course I knew, that's why it had packing tape on the glass screen guard, because the glass screen under that was broken.  I could see it.  So, why would I stand in a sprinkler to get a picture of a milkweed seed, and only worry about the lens side of the phone?  I don't know.  

The bottom right buttons stopped responding, some of the keyboard.  By this morning it had dried out, but I know there would be a "next time" when it might not be okay, so I picked up a "pre-owned" but certified and all that "new to me" iPhone SE 2020 at Best Buy.  Cheap and will hopefully hold me until I can upgrade for real.  Actually, it's an upgrade from an 8, with a better camera.  I did lose the progress in a few games, but not the "important" ones!  I can play the others on the old phone.

Okay, by noon I had the new phone.  Resetting passwords.  Reinstalling apps.  Arg!  

Then... I had to go downtown.  A woman changes lanes, into my lane, and into my car.  If you can picture a side-swipe to just the front driver's side front edge of the fender?  I have a scuff and a little denting.  She has a lot of damage, because... well, she side-swiped me! She kept saying, "I signaled!"  Well, I couldn't very well see her signals if I was in a different lane, and ahead of her, now could I?  I wasn't changing lanes to need to look.  I didn't say that to her, I just kept repeating, "Let's get the police to make a report," and got in my car, rolled up the windows, called them, and waited!  My insurance cards are on my phone, which was new, and the password wasn't.  Fortunately, I had an older one in the car.   I came home, filled out the form online, only it's not really online.  You still have to print it out and bring it in, or fax it.  Of course.  Because I had to buy a new printer a few weeks ago, which is still in its box.  And, of course I picked the one without a fax, because as I said at the store, "Who faxes anymore, we email documents?"  Not my DMV.  

I'm done with Monday! 

Here are some photos, some from my old phone, some from the new.

Garlic Chives 

Tall Plains Coreopsis Seed Heads 

Black-Eyed Stella Daylily - it's not terribly black-eyed.  But, it's nice to have one bloom so late when the others are almost finished.

This jumping spider had just caught a fly in the cucumbers. 

So, tomorrow I'll get the printer hooked up, print out the form, drop by the insurance office (just down the street) and maybe they can fax it in.  Oh… edited to add…  Saturday I had to get a new microwave!  And take two trips to the fortunately nearby electric supply store to get it plugged in. At least the bathroom floor is done. And beautiful!  

Come back tomorrow morning for Tuesday Treasures! 


  1. What a sucky Monday. I'm so sorry. Hopefully your insurance company comes through for you quickly.

  2. oh, ugh - one frustration after the next! Beautiful photos, and yay on the bathroom floor!


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