Thursday Postcard Hunt - Paintings/Watercolors

 Thursday Postcard Hunt

Paintings and Watercolors

I have four.

Bridge Game or The Bid, Norman Rockwell 

Despite being a beloved American artist I've never been a fan.  I did think ahead and get the postcard "just in case," and here it is "the case"!  I already mailed it off to Japan (Postcrossing) to someone who mentioned Norman Rockwell work as a favorite!

EntropiaBożena Grzyb-Jarodzka

The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau, John Agee

Postcard of one of the illustrations in the children's book of the same name.

Playful Spring, Christopher Kuster

After becoming paralyzed (swimming accident which broke his neck*) at just 21, Christopher, not unnaturally, suffered depression for many years.  A relative suggested art therapy, and he began painting, holding the brushes in his teeth.

Public Art and Murals is next week.  I wish my city had postcards of the many public art sculptures around town and in libraries.

*A far too common accident.  I had a childhood friend who, in middle school dove off rocks into water, hitting her head, breaking her neck, and killing her.  Always know how deep the water is, and what's under that water before you jump or dive in!)


  1. The Entropia painting caught me, and made me think of some images from the current Olympic games!

    1. The funny thing about that postcard... I didn't notice the letters on it, and thought it went the other way, with the men dangling! Like on rings or bars for gymnastics!

  2. ooh, more poppies! Now I want to read about Felix Clouseau. (also never a fan of Rockwell, not sure why)

    1. No, I've never liked him. I'd go so far as to say I've always disliked his work.

  3. I am usually not attracted to Norman Rocckwell, but the card you posted has this view from the top that I like. I also likeThe Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau.

    1. It is a bit different. Not a sickeningly sweet Americana scene!

  4. I've always liked Rockwell, but I can see how some might not. (Not a rabid fan. I just enjoy the look.) I do remember being taught at a young age to never dive into water you didn't know how deep it was.

  5. I'm crossing my fingers to be your Postcrossing match someday! The Bożena Grzyb-Jarodzka piece really caught my eye - the concept of Entropia is fascinating. And Christopher Kuster’s story is incredibly inspiring.

  6. I laughed at your Entropy comment (great card) because someone flipped one of the Olympic synchronised swimming pictures upside down and it looked as though they were walking on water.


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