Thursday Postcard Hunt - Statues and Monuments

 The theme for August's Thursday Postcard Hunt is Art.  This week starts it of with Statues and Monuments.  I have one of each.

Colonel Alexander Leroy Hawkins Memorial in Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, PA

The larger than life statue memorializes a Pittsburgh native who died in the Spanish-American War.  Some sites list him as a state senator, but that is a misunderstanding of the fact he died of disease aboard a troop transit ship named Senator.

The Washington Monument in spring on a 1940s linen postcard.

Next week we continue the Art theme with Paintings/Watercolors. 


  1. Those linen postcards are always very beautiful!

  2. aww.. look at those cherry trees! great postcard!

  3. Those cherry blossoms :) oh, yeah, the monument is nice, too.

  4. The Washington cherry blossoms are a lovely sight and the Hawkins memorial has its own austere beauty.

    1. Seeing it larger, but not looking too closely, I thought he was dressed like a old-time spy in a trench coat!

  5. Replies
    1. I've never seen it, but apparently those who have are impressed!

  6. I never cared about monuments and statues until I was perhaps in my 40s or 50's. Now, if we are traveling, I have to go check them out. I see this Hawkins also was a Civil War veteran. Those are both beautiful antique postcards.

    1. You have a lot of US history back there. I mean the early stuff! So much older than what the west coast has.


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