Skywatch Friday - August 23, 2024

Skywatch Friday

A morning sky.

Two evening skies, same day.

I can't identify aircraft, so only say this because Google says so.  It identifies this as a McDonnell Douglas KC-10 A "Extender."  May be something completely different.  It was big.  And slow, but that was probably because it was taking off.  Or landing.  Or just being tested.  I live near an airport.  Not too close!  Well, close.  A seven minute drive at most, but most planes don't fly over my neighborhood. 

Have a nice weekend.


  1. Intriguing clouds in those first two shots! And isn't Google wonderful? Except I can't log in with my Google account...🤔

  2. I like those first two cloud pictures. And why should I be surprised that Google can identify aircraft? I never would have thought of that.

  3. Beautiful skies. I often forget that Google can help me identiful stuff!

  4. I am in a similar place with regards to an airport. I used to live closer to it. I know what you mean about not too many planes flying overhead.

  5. Interesting skies! Years ago, I lived in a condo that was in the flight path to Logan airport. Never thought about taking a picture of the planes, let alone identify them.


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