Tuesday Treasures - August 6, 2024

 Last week was a good one for thrifting artwork!  Three items, two from the Goodwill Bins, and one from St. Vincent de Paul.

First the Bins.

An unsigned Greco-Roman type 16" x 24" painting.  

Does anyone know what the hand is holding?  Is it her hand?  It looks to be at quite an awkward angle.

My son thought the artist might have faked the aging to make it look more like a fresco, however the areas shown above missing paint are due to the stretcher bar behind them.  I am making a guess that this was unloved and kept in a garage, as someone used the back of the canvas as scratch paper!

   2 x 6 hanger - Jim

plumbing tote box - Paul 

The other is a little 4" x 4" Haitian street art village scene, painted on board and affixed to a larger black board.  Signature is Curaice Constant.  Constant seems to be quite a popular surname in Haiti, and I was unable to find any Curaice.  The colors are actually much brighter than these photos show. 

I like the flowers. 

Then, the best thing I've thrifted recently!  

16" x 12" oil painting by K. Gardner.  The back reads, "To Berenice from Mother," and "Near Carmel Calif. 1950 $25.00"  So, Mother tried to sell it, and when that was unsuccessful gave it to her daughter, Berenice?  It has the original oak frame.  This one was taken care of, the frame still smells of lemon scented polish!

My favorite part is the colors used under the tree.

At $12.00 I didn't hesitate.  More than my usual thrifted bargain artwork, however, something I have a weakness for (CA landscapes and coastal scenes) and worth considerably more.  That's the way it is at St. Vincent de Paul, sometimes they underprice, more often they overprice.  For months they've had a watercolor by Eugene McNabb that I gave them.  They priced it at a ridiculous $175.  If it was worth that much at a thrift price I'd have kept it myself!  During COVID shutdowns I bought it from the online Goodwill site for $30.  They also have the artist down as an "impressionist."  He's not.  Yes, I've told them.  If it didn't sell on the annual half-off day, it isn't going to sell at full price.  I think anything that doesn't sell at half-price should be permanently reduced, but the next day the prices are back to what they were before.


  1. Oooo. I love that landscape. Looks like a manzanita. Very pretty!

    1. It does look like manzanita, much more so than the usual Monterey cypress in most CA coastal landscapes.

  2. I really like the Haitian painting!

    1. It's very bright and cheerful. I find a lot of what seem to be discarded souvenirs.

  3. I thought thrift stores wanted to move merchandise. Apparently not. Those are some great finds.

    1. St. Vincent de Paul may hang on to things "in hopes," and they may not need the room like Goodwill, which gets too much to stock in the stores. It's frustrating as a customer though to see something too expensive even at 1/2 off and it never gets reduced. They need they money though, on the other side of the parking lot is where they provide meals (and other services).


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