Motley Monday - August 5, 2024

 Not such a "Motley" of a Monday at all really.   It's all gladiola photos from this morning.  The rest of the garden is a bit too ratty for photos and I've given up on some things!

Other than the yellow, which somehow got planted in a concrete block hole of the Pollinator Garden, these are all in a bed at the far back of the yard against the far back fence.  

My favorite.

This one has HUGE flowers!


The trouble with glads is they fall over.  I sometimes tie leaves together to hold them up!  I do that with some spring blooming bulbs too.  I do have stakes as well they can lean on. 

I hope you all have a nice week. 


  1. Aren't Gladiolas wonderful? I hadn't thought of tying up the front foliage--I'll have to try that. I need to add more supports, of some sort, to mine. You have a beautiful collection. :)

  2. What a beautiful collection of glads! I can't even pick a favorite. Our neighbor a couple of doors down has a beautiful stand of glads in their front yard - lots of orange but also different colors, and it is all in full bloom right now. I only have my several pink glads. I mourn for you losing a lot of your flowers due to your horrid summer weather this year.

  3. Definitely not a motley collection. Some pretties for this hot August day. (Oh, wait. That's almost an album allusion...)


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