Skywatch Friday - July 5. 2024

 Skywatch Friday

A view of Portland in the fog.

Have a nice weekend.  I doubt I'll be enjoying mine, what with today's forecast of 111° and tomorrow 113°.  Still expected to be over 100° all next week too.  At least I don't have to water the garden today, I soaked it well yesterday in preparation fireworks.  The kind that can fly into the air, explode, or travel more than 12' horizonally, aren't legal here, but that doesn't stop people from getting them anyway.  There are legal fireworks stands allowed to sell for only a few days each year, tomorrow being the last day for 2024.   Last night the noise went on longer than usual, well into the wee hours of the morning.  There were two absolutely terrifying set off nearby.  I doubt it was my next door neighbor, even though it sounded like it.  They may have been cherry bombs.  SO LOUD with a bright white flash.

  Poor Mickey. I now know he can hold his bladder for a long, long time!  So, a few more nights of noise.  Then, maybe he'll come to bed instead of hiding out in the bathroom. 


  1. You can’t legally buy any fireworks here in NY but that apparently hasn’t stopped people … a guy in our town got arrested because he gave fireworks to two children and somehow a house caught fire,

    1. Yeah, the ones legal here aren't the loud ones, or ones that fly into the air. Or, start the fires. A few years ago we watched one arc over the house and land in the then empty lot behind us, and catch the grass on fire. We had a hose out by the chain link fence, and someone had a bucket, so it ended up okay. A man down the street got drunk, found old fireworks in his garage, and blew off half his hand not long ago.

  2. Yikes, that's hot. Similar to what I will be experiencing when I drive out to the desert tomorrow. I always feel so sorry for dogs and other animals on July 4th. Stay safe!

    1. Doesn't sound like weather for your drive. Unless you don't get out!

  3. I liked the picture, but not your temperatures. I've experienced 112 (when I lived in Wichita, Kansas years ago) and that is Hot.

    1. Yeah, it's hot. I can't imagine living where it's like this all summer. I guess we'd get used to it. Like I'm not used to snow or freezing temperatures.

  4. Stay cool. I hope Mickey is feeling more like himself today. We had so many booms that Buttercup's been a quivering mess.

    1. Poor Buttercup. It was only for the one night, I expected all weekend to be bad since we could still buy fireworks.

  5. Wow, what a great shot! And, yes, that is very hot! Sorry about Mickey. :( For some reason, our dog doesn't seem fazed by the fireworks and loud noises. I know that's unusual, so I'm thankful. Take care.

    1. He's not the worst about it. He doesn't insist we hold him. He just crawls under the end table or in his living room hide-away soft kennel with no door. It was recommended by his trainers for his general anxiety, as a place to get away.

  6. Happy 4th of July, Lisa! We just had a brutal heatwave over here in Southeast Asia so I can relate. Stay cool and rehydrated. Poor Mickey. Hopefully things will be quieter over there soon. Here's to a peaceful weekend for you both.

    1. Now he's used to staying in the living room at night because it's cooler (the AC would be on all day)!

  7. Oh no! It is hot here in SF Bay Area, we're actually in the middle of a heatwave.

    Worth a Thousand Words

    1. I remember a summer in Concord (early 2000s, after 2005 but before 2011) when it was 115° and we brought the TV into the only room, a bedroom, with an AC. Stayed in the bedroom with me, two kids, three dogs, and a cat all day.

  8. Love the foggy photo - and I don't envy you those temperatures...

    1. Yeah, it was 111° yesterday. My beans couldn't take the heat. Today and tomorrow are forecast the same. Then closer to 100, over and under by one or two degrees. That fog looks good now!


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