Thursday Postcard Hunt - Lighthouses

 Thursday Postcard Hunt


It's been many years, decades, since I've visited a lighthouse.  I don't know if they are open for the public to climb up anymore, but when I was a child they were, at least the west coast.

Linen postcard of Butler's Flat Light-House in New Bedford, MA, now called Butler Flat Light.  It's a sparkplug lighthouse, or "coffee pot."

Next week is Cathedrals.


  1. I never had the chance to climb a lighthouse as a child, but I've always been fascinated by them. Your linen postcard of Butler's Flat Light is a cool find! I've never heard of the "sparkplug" or "coffee pot" style lighthouse before.  

    1. I hadn't heard of that kind either until I saw the postcard. I like linen postcards. I like their colors. I don't remember much about climbing them, other than the endless spiral steps! No going back until you reached the top, others were right behind.

  2. Lighthouses are a big passion of mine. But I didn't know the concept of "coffee pot lighthouse" :)

  3. Both great cards! I like that the second lighthouse is sitting in the water.

  4. I suppose it would depend on the lighthouse. I haven't been to one in ages, either.

  5. Well, I (and apparently everyone else) learned a new term for a lighthouse! I'm not usually a big fan of multiview cards, but when there is a common theme it is nice to see the differences of one coast.


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