Thursday Postcard Hunt - Towers

 Thursday Postcard Hunt


Oak Ridge Tower

This observation tower is located on the "First Day's Battlefield" of the Battle of Gettysburg, PA.  It is much shorter today than it was when erected as the top was removed in the 1960s.  It's still a tourist attraction, with access to climb to the top.  1930s linen.

The Mouse Tower on a small island in the Rhine, Germany.  Its name comes from a rather gruesome folktale

This postcard is also (see last week) one in Astudin-Karten vom Rhein: 20 farbige Karten nach Ölgemalden (Astudin maps of the Rhine: 20 colored cards based on oil paintings), which I bought at an estate sale.

Bok Singing Tower, a carillon, in Florida, on another linen postcard, c1930s-1940s.

August's theme is Art.


  1. Yes that is a very gruesome folk tale and a suitably atmospheric painting. Love carillon, a singing tower indeed.

  2. Wow, another fantastic set of tower postcards, Lisa! I love the nostalgic feel of linen postcards. The Mouse Tower is intriguing, feels like one of those Grimm Brothers tales. I love carillons! The Bok Singing Tower reminds me of the UP Carillon Tower, an iconic landmark at my university that weathered some our country's tumultuous years.

  3. I like especially the first one. It's nice that visitors can climb it. I'm sure I would!
    Your vintage postcards are always very charming :)

  4. That observation tower looks wider than most - not sure if that would make it less scary to climb! I got lost in looking up the singing tower (then couldn't remember if I'd left a comment or not...)


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