Tuesday Treasures - July 30, 2024

I got this etching at a Goodwill retail store for $2.24.  

It's signed by the artist, Maggie Malloy.  It's 1/1 (a monoprint) called "One Step To Heaven."   A monoprint is unique print, a single impression and will always be numbered 1/1.  The artist may reink or repaint the plate for another print, but the prints will always be a little different, each being numbered 1/1.

The artist included the fact it's a sugar lift process etching.  Sugar lift is new to me, so this was helpful to read. 


I think the artist is located in the San Francisco Bay Area.  There is an artist by that name who does sculptures, however her online portfolio has a few etchings.   This Maggie Malloy would make more sense than a painter in Arkansas, who's work is nothing like this.  The email listed comes back undeliverable, so I couldn't ask the CA Maggie Malloy to verify my guess.

This little print was found in the Goodwill Bins.  It has a lot of information on the reverse, which suggests it was an example of cross-hatching for in a print-making class.  It's signed Horning, the back reads Panne Horning, and it was to be returned to Forsythe, apparently the class teacher.  There is a date, November 1967.  Date of the class or date the print was made?  It does have a little tear.  I caused the little tear.    


  1. You do find such interesting artwork.

    1. The mono-print is more "interesting" than attractive! I don't quite see the step to heaven in it. Maybe that's best with artwork, not having someone explain it, or point out things to others. Let us see what we see. I got some nice things to share next week! An interesting and a really, really nice!

  2. I like the second print. The first one is too abstract (if that's the right word for it). You are so knowledgeable and, as a result, you make some great finds.

  3. Fascinating art! You sure do find some interesting items. :)


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