Thursday Postcard Hunt - Cathedrals

 Thursday Postcard Hunt


Cologne Cathedral in Germany. 

This postcard, and one next week, is from a postcard book, Astudin-Karten vom Rhein: 20 farbige Karten nach Ölgemalden (Astudin maps of the Rhine: 20 colored cards based on oil paintings), which I bought at an estate sale.

Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburg, PA

Next week brings Towers. 


  1. Such a beautiful image of the Cathedral!

    1. The book as a lot of beautiful ones. I was lucky to find it. Around here estate sales just put a price on a pile of stuff, so it cost very little.

  2. I like the name "cathedral of learning"! And also those vintage postcards you don't need to really write anything on. You can fill the back with stamps ;)

  3. The first one has such a moody atmosphere to it! And the second one is fun - I have a couple of these and wonder if anyone actually checked off any of those options?!

    1. I'll bet they did, if only as a joke. I guess that's the point.

  4. Replies
    1. The book it's from has come nice ones. I like next week's, although not as impressive as the cathedral.

  5. I love postcards, especially vintage postcards. I belong to postcrossing and have all sorts of postcards from all over. I like the cards for the messages. The photos in them are not as interesting as old postcards.

    1. I only discovered Postcrossing a few months ago! I agree, old postcards are best. I just got a bunch in today's mail (bought not sent to me), old. I find it amazing a postcard from 1902 or so can be so cheap to buy. I like dogs and linen, and world's fair ones best. Oh... any!

  6. Cologne Cathedral is an iconic image, but seeing it as an oil painting reproduced on a postcard is a unique perspective. I love the idea of discovering postcard books like that at estate sales – it's like finding hidden treasures! The Cathedral of Learning is a surprising choice for the theme. I hadn't heard of it before! It's definitely a striking building. I love the unexpected discoveries this challenge brings every week!

  7. The painting is a beauty, an artist capturing something a photo cannot. A nice collection to acquire.
    Love that Dizzy Correspondence card, so funny.


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