Skywatch Friday - October 25, 2024

 Skywatch Friday 

It seems everyone but me is headed south for the winter!  

Did you know that if a contrail (condensation trail, or vapor trail) is short-lived it means the upper atmosphere is relatively dry?  Long-lasting ones, like these, form when there is a lot of moisture since the ice crystals take on more water from the humidity.  And, contrails are just ice crystals, human induced clouds, and can actually form cirrus clouds!  They can spread out and actually contribute to cloud cover. 0.1% of  Earth's surface is covered at any given moment!  

You can predict the weather, sort of, by observing contrails.  Short-lived predicts fair weather, long ones rain, or at least a change in the weather.   I don't remember if the weather changed after these were seen, I didn't know to pay attention. 

Have a nice weekend. 


  1. I followed somebody on instagram a few years ago and I got to observe that person in real time become a chemtrails conspiracy person. It was astonishing.
    We get lots of contrails here in Oklahoma in January through March. I don't know why, maybe because they are easier to see with the sun so low.

  2. Everyone going south; I hope that doesn't mean we in the Northeast are going to have a horrid winter You know what's funny - five people I know are visiting Europe right now and I don't even know that many people. I guess I didn't get the memo because I am still here! Maybe next you'll see a bunch of contrails coming from the east, although none of these people live in the Western U.S.

  3. Oh, is that why people get obsessed with contrails? I've never given them much thought. We had a few in the sky yesterday.

  4. Hi Lisa,
    What are you waiting for? Come on down south!

    Interesting info on the contrails. Have a nice weekend!

  5. I saw similar clouds today. Very pretty sky.

  6. Great captures. Interesting fact of contrails.


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