Thursday Thirteen - October 10, 2024

 Thursday Thirteen 

That's it, just 13 things.  Come join in!

Here are 13 autumn photos taken in my garden yesterday.

🍂      🍂      🍂      🍂      🍂

#1 - #5
Virginia Creeper 

#6 and #7
Frost Peach Leaves and Pyracantha

#8 and #9
Purple Tansy (empty seed heads)

Wild Grapes

#11 and #12
Shaggy Parasol 

Galeux d’Eysines 

See?  It's that simple!  Click the link at the top and post your own Thursday Thirteen!  It need not be photos.  Maybe a list of thirteen favorite foods.  Thirteen books you've enjoyed reading.  Thirteen quotes.  It's only limited to your imagination, if your imagination can be limited to thirteen. 


  1. Those don't look like wild grapes, they look like my favorite grape, a Concord! They don't grow well around here, unfortunately, although they should. We have wineries.

    1. They are extra big this year, but they are wild grapes. Vitis californica, in CA and southwestern OR. That's me, southwestern OR!


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