Sunday Stamps - October 27, 2024

 Public Buildings is the theme of the week for Sunday Stamps.

Philippines 1969
Post Office 65th Anniversary
In 1969 a Proclamation was issued declaring the last week of November of every year Philatelic Week. So, there's one positive thing Marcos can be remembered for. 

Czechoslovakia 1959
Pilsen City Hall 

Romania 1960
Cuza University
While founded in 1640, the current institution was established in 1860.  The stamp commemorated 100 years. 

Australia 1959
Queensland Parliament House 
Centenary of Queensland Self-Government

Next week is a fun theme!  Mustaches! 


  1. You always come up with something good for the theme. I like the stamp from the Philippines; it looks like a peaceful water scene. I was wondering if it was a canal but I don't think it is.

    1. It helps that I bought that shoebox full of stamps earlier this year at the rummage sale! I'm still sorting them. I looked up the water, it's the Pasig River, which is rather like a canal as it connects two bays. It's a tidal estuary, and flows opposite directions according to tides, and water levels. Some of the pictures at high tide look like you could boat right up to it.

  2. Thanks for sharing! I wonder if I'll be able to find a stamp with a man in a mustache.

  3. You covered different topics today. That shoebox full of stamps must be full of fun as well :)

    1. I think I've got the stamps separated US from foreign, and maybe heads of people foreign from not heads!

  4. I'm thinking those are rhododendrons with that pop of colour in Queensland?
    I like that style of architecture in the Philippines stamp.

    1. I located a site that says it's a Jacaranda tree. Wow, they are something! Not Australian though, South American.

  5. Some interesting buildings. Ah, so are they doing a Movember theme for next month?

    1. I had to look up Movember. No, not a theme for the month, just the week. Although the stamps chosen for the rest of the month could very well be male!

  6. I love vintage stamps! they are always...elegant!

  7. A philatelic week sounds like fun, fascinating that the Pasig is a tidal river. A nice selection of elegant buildings.


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