Sunday Stamps - November 17, 2024

 Sunday Stamps brings us Headshots this week.

Canal Zone 1916

This is Jackson Smith who was Canal Canal Commissioner.  He oversaw the Bureau of Labor, Quarters, and Subsistence, which dealt with the workers on the Panama canal project.  The Canal Zone was under US control between 1903 to 1979, which was a ten mile strip of land on either side of the Panama canal.

USA 1964 JFK Memorial First Day of Issue, including a excerpt of his inaugural address, January 20, 1961.

USA 1993 featuring Rudolph Valentino, one in the series of Silent Screen Stars. 

Portugal 1953 with Guilherme Gomes Fernandes, a humanitarian, firefighter, and journalist (among other things).

Mexico c1951

I couldn't resist the giant Olmec head!   In one of the good (read that as older) The Simpsons episodes Mr. Burns gifts Bart "A frabulous, grabulous, zip-zoop-zabulous present" of an Olmec head!  (Second season, Blood Feud)

Next week we'll have Small Animals on stamps. 


  1. ...I like the prices of these stamps!

    1. I never know how much ours are anymore, since all they say are "forever." I don't use many, mostly at Christmas, and even then not many. I do buy postcard stamps.

  2. Great headshot stamps!!! I love the Rudolph Valentino one

    1. It is different. I'm not that familiar with Valentino, so maybe the attire is obvious, but I didn't know who it was without reading the stamp. Maybe that's the reason his name is so big, a lot of people are like me!

  3. I was intrigued by the Portuguese currency. (as well Gomes Fernandes' headgear!). Is it bad of me to think Jackson Smith looks a bit of a geek? (not in an insulting way).I love that Valentino caricature!

    1. I think Fernandes is wearing a fancy dress unform fire helmet. Smith was quite a penny pincher, or pencil pusher, or something. As the only civilian who came as a worker and attained a Commissioner position I wonder if it went to his head? The "Gold Roll employees" had free housing until he came along, then they were "allotted one square foot of housing for each dollar earned per month by a gold roll employee." Certainly an incentive to put in more hours! Slack off and find yourself standing on a square foot!

  4. I just heard they're going to do a Betty White stamp. Next year. Would have been perfect for today's collection.

    1. I read that today! Someone commented that they wondered what she would look like with the wrinkles removed. I replied, a bit sarcastically, that she would look like she did when she was young (I think younger people think she was a new-comer while already older), and who cares about wrinkles on a nearly 100 year old woman?

  5. I thought Valentino must have been Zorro with that hat but having looked on his filmography it must have been Blood and Sand as a matador. He is most famous for 'The Sheik', "lust in the dust". You have found two great 'hats' on stamps.

  6. That series of Silent Screen Stars is a very good design. I don't have this one, but I have a couple from the same series.

  7. Interesting post! I like the JFK Memorial First Day of Issue. Can I download and post it on my Facebook?


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