A long ago Christmas with long ago me. 

This year's decorations.

Too bad there weren't more of the Davina Italian lights.

Miscellaneous vintage decorations.  The elf/gnome with the blue hat and red leggings is a cake topper. 

Liz asked about my plethora of random nativity figures.  Yes, they all go out, but not in a coherent tableaux, which would be nice, but I lack the space. 

My Spanish village scene bought in Barcelona in 1970.  Yes, there is a devil in Spanish and Mexican nativity scenes!  He represents doubt in God's power and goodness, and the need for redemption, and he's one of God's angels after all.   This devil is painted clay.

The other staple of the Catalan nativity is the Caganer, or "Pooping Man."  There are many possible explanations for his inclusion, however I go with the simple one that says he's a reminder that while to the faithful a savior was born, everyday life goes on.  Which is why along with the village building there is a washerwoman at the river, another bringing water from the well, and a man leading a donkey laden with firewood.  

The outside didn't get much done this year.  First there was a problem with the outdoor electrical plugs, so we couldn't plug in as many lights as usual.  Then, the lights on the gutters, or the ones one the bush started flipping the GFI in the kitchen.  I think there's a broken bulb the rain get into.  They work when it's not raining, so I can't tell which ones are bad.   I thought the washer was broken because it was off too.  I don't know why the kitchen wiring is the washer too, it's in the bathroom, but they don't share a wall.  The Gingerbread Man and Penguin, Toby, don't light up any more.  

I took the above photo before the lights glitched.  I also hadn't "wrapped" the front door as a gift.

This is one of the Goodwill Bins thrifted gutter hanging decorations.

The Italian crèche (one of the two Bins finds) even has a working light!

Some Putz houses and bottle brush trees (most vintage).  The big one with the dragon on the roof (my son's found him in the Bins) is from the 1940s, and was my paternal grandmother's, as were the vintage trees.  The other houses all were thrifted at St. Vincent de Paul for $3 each in 2022.  A real bargain!   We had Putz houses when I was growing up, smaller cottages.  I remember punching holes in each cellophane window with my finger.  I have no idea why.  I remember my mother being very upset though!

Have a Happy Holiday!


  1., you sure do Christmas decorating up right! And by the way, I work better when it's not raining too!

  2. Great memories and pictures. I love the pixies.

  3. You've got quite the Christmas collection.

  4. Ah, so cute! What a fun post. Happy Holidays!


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