Thursday Postcards - Keeping Warm

 Keeping Warm in Winter is the theme for this week's Thursday Postcard Hunt.  

I'll start off with the obvious.  Clothing.  

Eskimo Boy in Parka 

Moving on to Exercise.  

Blanket Tossing (Between the exercise and the parkas I would guess these Alaskans are pretty warm!)

How about warming from the inside out? 

Growing up my mother would serve baked beans with that brown bread that comes in a can.  She'd actually heat the can in a pan of simmering water, which can be dangerous.  But, then again, she used to cool off her old pressure cooker under the tap.  I'm surprised we all made it to adulthood the way we grew up!

This next would be my choice for keeping warm.  Bask in a hot springs!

Liard Hot Springs, Alaska Highway (British Columbia, Canada) was originally developed by the army in 1942, and is now a Canadian provincial park.

Perhaps you would prefer a hot mud bath at Dr. Wilkinson's?  I'm sure it's more up to date than when this was postmarked in 1978.  The message is short, just "CUTE, HUH? Love, Gail."

Next week is Christmas postcards. 


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