Skywatch Friday - December 6, 2024

 Skywatch Friday 

Morning and Afternoon around Town

Have a nice weekend.


  1. ...this is a changeable time of year!

  2. Morning fog, afternoon sun. Reminds me of our August weather.

  3. I love photos of playgrounds and I'm a fan of industrial type facilities especially if there is a mountain in the background.

    1. That's Roseburg Forest Products, where they make plywood and MDF. At night the steam is quite pretty (I've shared it before). This shot was taken from a different angle (I was leaving the Goodwill Outlet store!). It often smells so good! Rarely like what we called the "steam plant" in Pittsburg, CA (we had to drive by it to get to my brother's) which produces pulp from waste paper. vcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
      Ha! The cat walked on the keyboard!
      That's just Roxy Ann Peak, which when I look it up does say is a mountain, but it's basically a hill here! The photo makes it look far off and tall, it's really just in town.

  4. We've had foggy skies here the last two mornings (kind of unusual for us).

  5. Fascinating how the conditions can change so fast. We had a cold, cloudy morning, and now it's a sunny, warmer day.

  6. It's nice when those foggy mornings clear up.

  7. Two different skies, two different moods. Both beautiful.


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