Saturday Stuff - October 21, 2023

 I was going to link to the "Anything Goes" Pink Saturday blog hop, but it's gone.  Whether that's a temporary thing, or I missed an announcement made on a week I didn't join in, I don't know.  I hope it comes back.  Edited: Searching "anything goes pink saturday" brought up a different blog with the message that Oct. 1 would be (was) the last Pink Saturday.  The blogger was going (did) "shut down" the blog.  It's gone.  Completely gone.  I'm sorry it wasn't archived or just inactive. All the years, 17 1/2 it says, of the blog and nothing left.  Sad.

So, here are some pinks in the garden.

The four o'clocks are just about finished for the season.  They'll be back!  The dahlia is rather a sad looking one, but it's pink.

A New Dawn climbing rose not long after sunrise.

Things that aren't pink.

There's a praying mantis egg case in the Butterfly Garden.  I didn't see it until I'd cut back the butterfly weed.  A example of why we should leave the dead stems to overwinter.  It should be alright, I sort of moved the remaining dead leaves and Persian catmint to hide it a bit.

This jumping spider almost caught its prey!

A Monarch butterfly!  Only the second one I've seen this year, this one spent a long time in the globe amaranth in the front yard.

If you noticed I didn't get to your blog to comment in the past few days, sorry.  Some bouts of vertigo hit me worse than others.  Even the mild take two days to get over.  Those of you who suffer from it know what I mean by the frustration of it all, the "But, I have things to do, I can't lose two days!"  

Hope your weekend goes well.  My temperatures will be cooler somewhat, after a few warm days 80° and a bit above.  See my breath in the mornings though. 

Oh, let me show you this pretty cushion for the living room I got in the Goodwill Bins.  25¢


  1. Take care. The more you fight it, the more it's going to come after you. I find acceptance of having to take the time to heal helps heal you quicker. The other things will get done just fine once you feel better.


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