Skywatch Friday - October 20, 2023

 Skywatch Friday

What else could I post today other than the annular eclipse of last Saturday morning?  Hopefully some others will post some much better photos.  iPhone 8s don't do much.  And, while my son's phone is much newer, it's still no match for a camera.  Which he has, just not prepared to use that morning.  These were just taken through the eclipse viewing glasses. 


My son's.

I think this looks like a sun over an alien desert planet. 

The light was a bit strange, but not too much, as this wasn't a total solar eclipse.  Mickey didn't mind us being out back with him while he chewed a bone.  Don't get the idea he's left outside!  He's a house dog!

Have a nice weekend. 



  1. Those are some great photos of the eclipse. It was overcast here so I didn't even try.

    1. That's too bad. I expected it to be cloudy here too, but it worked out!

  2. Hey, it's something. I slept through it (although I don't think we saw much of it from where we were).

  3. These are wonderful captures! Some of the best photos I've seen were taken using a cell phone with eclipse glasses as a filter. I didn't get any photos, but did notice things got darker for about 10 minutes.

    1. Thanks. I wasn't expecting it to be much, since reports all mentioned it being a full ring a few hundred miles north of here. But, it was nearly a full ring. And the clouds held off!

  4. You got some great shots. Only 25% here and it was cloudy (what a shock).

    1. Yeah, I thought I'd have clouds too, but they waited until later. Now our weather is back in the low 80s!

  5. Oh fun! We were "off the path" a bit and cloudy anyway. Thanks for sharing the views!

    1. It was pretty exciting, I didn't really expect to see much!


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