Shadow Shot Sunday - October 29, 2023

 Shadow Shot Sunday

Cat Shadows

I brought catnip leaves and stems, and grass in for Benny (The Fat Black Cat) and Baby Cat last week.  They had a blast and cast some fun shadows.

It all didn't go calming though.  Benny is a greedy glutton and hates Baby Cat.  No cats cuddled together in the same bed with these two.  Never.


  1. Why have pets if you cannot have fun with them?

  2. Aw, that's too bad. But sometimes you get two cats that just don't get along. They'll miss each other if you separate them, though, I'm sure.

    1. I doubt Benny would miss Baby Cat, unless it would be missing her leftovers.

  3. Awww, sweet! Thanks for the reminder to get the kitty some catnip. Some cats are just more independent. Our dog and cat behave like tolerating siblings. They don't fawn over each other, but they don't fight either.

    1. It took Mickey a long time to get along with the cats. He might bug them a bit, but he's not going to harm them. I grow catnip, and mine like the fresh leaves (Baby Cat) and Benny likes the leaves and stems.


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