What a Pretty Weed!

 You may know this invasive weed.

It's common or prostrate knotweed, also known as birdweed or pigweed.  It's a summer annual related to buckwheat and dock.  It's low growing, and spreads into a mat, from a single long taproot, and doesn't mind poor soil.  It's easy to pull because of that taproot, just gather up all the "arms" and pull close to where the root enters the soil. 

Now, on to a close look at the flowers!  I was unaware of how pretty they were until I was stooped over (best not mention why, it has to do with Mickey and clean-up) and saw a tiny flower.  I returned when I'd finished my chore and took some photos.

I certainly don't like them enough to let knotweed stay when I see it!  Besides, the flowers are too small to enjoy without getting really, really close to them.   So, pull out your knotweed and enjoy my photos!  

#knotweed #prostrateknotweed #knotweedflowers 




  1. I am pretty sure I've seen this. The flowers are pretty but yes, I wouldn't be a fan of the weed.

  2. Getting up close and personal had a couple benefits, then. I suppose those are the joys of dog-ownership ;)


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