Shadow Shot Sunday - October 8, 2023

 Shadow Shot Sunday, the place to see shadows or show us yours.

My spare bedroom is the only room that gets a lot of sun.  It's also the room full of stuff, like empty frames, frameless art, holiday items (I have no garage), books, etc.  So, I was at the desk and noticed the shadow of a blue glass elephant I got in the Goodwill Bins (amazingly not broken, it wasn't in the breakable bins, it was in with the general salvage).

Then I started adjusting things.  The elephant.  Potted plants.  I began grabbing things off shelves to see what kind of shadows they cast. 

This one seems pretty frightening, very seasonal.  It's just a cornhusk doll (from the Bins of course!)  

I tried shadows on white paper, and shadows through white paper.  Thanksgiving cactus and String of Pearls

Another spooky shadow, this one on white paper.

This through white paper.  This shadow maker is a motion activated howling wolf skeleton.  He'll show up in the Halloween Tuesday Treasures.

I would say I'd love a room with so much sun, however, it gets a bit warm.  Especially when the past few days have been near 90°!  It explains why the former resident of the room had an air conditioner in the window. 


  1. Your shadow art came out so nice especially the ones with the butterfly, and the cornhusk doll. The latter is perfect for the season. Also, speaking of the season, if you could spare some heat, send it my way - it's 56 here right now (3pm).

    1. Today should be the last day we are in the upper 80s. It was 88 two days ago! We are supposed to be highs of 60s and low 70s after today. Mickey and I went on a walk at noonish, and it felt warmer than 75. It's 80 now.

  2. That's the trouble with a room that gets full sun--the full sun in the summer. I've seen houses that put blinds on the outside. That sometimes helps keep so much sun from getting in. But once it gets cold, I bet that's a great room to be in.

    1. We used to have the bamboo kind in CA on the windows that got sun. It helps a lot. There were a lot of trees too. The new owners cut them down. Well, when they get hot they know why!

  3. You are so creative and playful! I have contributed a bunch to goodwill but I never get anything from there.

    1. Oh, my, never? :) It's a hobby. Fun to look, and I get more fun researching stuff afterwards.


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