The Mushroom Massacre - October 14, 2023

Yesterday morning I planned to put out the front yard Halloween decorations.  I made the mistake of saying aloud to Mickey, "I have to put on my shoes."  Well, he misunderstood and thought that meant we were going on a walk.  So, he guilted me into taking a walk before doing the decorations!  I'm glad, it was a nice walk in the neighborhood park.

Except a large patch of mushrooms had been massacred.  It looked like someone had just kicked their way through.  

 I still got some nice photos.

These two were in a different part of the park.

On the way home a neighbor had this blooming, an Abyssinian gladiola, also known as a Peacock lily or Abyssinian Sword-Lily.  It is indeed one of the gladiola family.

I got the decorations up when we got back.  Then, I went to the Goodwill Bins.  I had a very busy day!  I'll have to get some nighttime photos.

As you can see, there are still quite a few flowers around.  Tomorrow's Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, so you'll see more of them then if you come back.



  1. Oh my, that was a massacre.

    I like your decorations, very festive.

    1. Yeah, I don't know why people have to ruin things. Even mushrooms, they were just in a big park not hurting anyone.

  2. Beautiful flower. Not so beautiful mushroom massacre. I used to decorate some for Halloween when my son was young. That was years ago. Right now I just stick with scarecrows and artificial fall leaves.

    1. I decorate more than ever. We live a block from an elementary school, so there are lots of young children and parents walking to and from school. Also, my decorations grow in number since I discovered the Goodwill Outlet store!

  3. Replies
    1. I like to think so! Some are silly, so the "scary" ones don't seem so scary.

  4. I would always vote for the silly scary over the macabre scary -- your yard would win!

    1. Last year when I was putting spiders out a little boy was passing with her dad, and was a bit scared. I offered to show him they were pretend and just fuzzy fur on them, and he felt better! I don't like scary!

  5. Ah, poor mushrooms! They look like a field agaric (Agaricus campestris), but it's been so long since I've done any mushroom identification, I don't trust my ability anymore.

    1. Could be, but I wouldn't trust myself to identify them. If I ate mushrooms, which I don't. I never see anyone gathering them though. I know the field agaric is one of the fairy ring mushrooms, and these do grow in rings in the same park.


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