Friday Skies and Friday Flowers - March 15, 2024

 Skywatch FridayFriday Floral Fotos, and Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day come together in one post this month.  

Some sites around town. 

Roxy Ann Peak and a plane coming in for a landing.  

Sweetgum balls that haven't dropped.  These are dead and empty, no seeds left. The balls drop in fall and winter, so they have a few days left to get it done before spring. 

One of the Table Rocks as seen from the nursery yesterday morning.  I was buying compost, potting soil, and the plant shown below. 

On to the flowers. 

Only small stuff. 

hardy geranium, the last of the flowering quince, anemone blanda, wild strawberries with frost

early bearded iris, vinca, grape hyacinths, rosemary

sunny dandelions, forsythia,calendula,Tete-a-Tete daffodils (why do they always have to look down?)

Does something I bought yesterday and haven't planted yet count?
Candytuft Purity I got one with a lot of closed flowers on purpose. 

Alyssum has come back.  Some actually overwintered.

I guess the only other thing is miner's lettuce.  The flowers come out of the center of the edible leaves.  It can be a crop, but it's a native weed here.

It was nice yesterday, 66°,  and the weather for the next few days will be in the 70s.  
Have a nice weekend.  I intend to!


  1. Why do daffodils look down? I have no answers but I love the question. :)

    1. The larger ones are okay, but these miniatures are hard to see except the back of their heads!

  2. Nice views for skywatch!
    Beautiful flowers!
    Gappy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

    1. Thanks. Gappy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day to you too! :)

  3. I wonder if you could hike to the top of Table Rock? It looks interesting. Beautiful blooms!

    1. Yes! Well, YOU could, I wouldn't try. There are two Table Rocks, this is the more picturesque one.

  4. You had a beautiful selection this month. It's nice to see gardens ahead of mine as it gets me pumped and ready for when spring is here for good where I live. It's so early, as it is. It was 67 yesterday and 70 the day before. Now, back to winter, alas. Made me think - if I had planted alyssum last year it may well have over wintered. Oh well!

  5. Too many memes for today. Nice flowers. And yes, I'd say the one you just bought counts. It is a flower. And it will eventually get planted.

  6. You're just a little ahead of me (we're early this year). The Forsythias are starting to bloom, which usually happens in mid-April to early May. Happy spring!

  7. Happy GBBD, Lisa! The miner's lettuce is interesting - I've heard of it but I don't think I've ever seen it in flower. I'm very impressed that you already have a bearded Iris in bloom too.

  8. Lovely! Loved seeing the Anemone blanda - excited for ours as the shoots are just coming up. Happy GBBD!

  9. It's fabulous when spring arrives, and we are blessed with so much color in our gardens. Beautiful blooms and colors.

  10. Oh, enjoy your beautiful garden in the sun. The iris is so rich!

  11. Great photos. I love sweetgums but runners dislike the balls that drop onto streets and sidewalks because if you stride on them wrong, you might get an ankle sprain.

  12. I had no idea Miner's lettuce had such interesting flowers, thank you for the close-up look! I too have Anemone blanda, a lovely flower for this time of the year--BTW, I love the way you arranged your flower pix by color spectrum.


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