Sunday Stamps - March 31, 2024

 Today Sunday Stamps asks for "chocolates, bunnies/rabbits, flowers, eggs, churches."

A bunny, Bugs by name, from 1997 U.S.

Another U.S. stamp, this is a brush rabbit.  This is a "forever" stamp, meaning once purchased it's good to use even if/when prices go up. It's for an additional ounce if your mail is just a bit too heavy.  A brush rabbit is a kind of cottontail native all along the west coast of the U.S., from Baja California to Washington nearing the Canadian border. 

Chocolate on a U.S. First Day of Issue from January 13, 2007.  A Hershey's Kiss postmarked in Hershey, PA!

Next week's stamps will be The Sun and/or a Sunny Day. 

A little holiday extra, this photo of neighborhood decorations.  This same house had a St. Patrick's Day dino I forgot to post.  You did see the Valentine one, and maybe Christmas and Halloween.  

Here's St. Patrick's.

Something for every occasion it seems!  I wonder if there'll be a dinosaur dressed like Uncle Sam in July? 

Anyway, if you celebrate, Happy Easter.   If you don't, Happy Sunday! 
Tomorrow begins The Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, so get over there are and sign up (no, it's not too late)!  Then, come back daily to see my The A to Z of Winter Sowing.  No A to Z posts on Sundays, but there's Sunday Stamps and Shadow Shot Sunday to enjoy!  


  1. I loved your stamps today and not just because they featured Bugs Bunny and Hershey's kisses. I'm trying to imagine a dinosaur delivering Easter eggs but it's as unlikely as rabbits doing it, so why not? Also, thank you for alerting me to the link I put to my blog on the A to Z signup being the master signup link. I've made two attempts to get it corrected. If they don't, it's my error and I'll live with it. Hopefully, my readers know where to find me.

    1. So, you're a Bugs Bunny fan I guess! I'm more a fan of the Hershey's Kisses! I've not been to Hershey, PA, but I have been to the Hershey factory that was in Oakdale, CA. They were making Kisses! That factory closed. The small community felt the loss of jobs, never mind pretty much the only reason anyone came from out of town!

    2. There was a Hershey plant not too far from me which closed and was devastating to that town as well.

  2. Awesome stamps! I love the chocolate kiss one. I will be visiting your A to Z, I’m participating too 😊 (heard about it from you). It will be on this blog:

    1. Nice! I'm glad to joined! It's fun, and you might meet some bloggers you stick with. The comment above yours is from one "found" on A to Z several years ago. I read her daily now! I'll be sure to drop in. Since your theme is more random, being memories, it should be interesting.

  3. I would never have associate Bugs Bunny with Easter! Nice stamps for today. Good luck with the A to Z. I did it once at it was full fo fun, but no time no do it again, for the moment.

    1. It's funny how Bugs is instantly recognizable as a rabbit, yet when you see a real rabbit, they don't look alike! The dinos are really taking over your neighbourhood!

  4. I have done the A to Z challenge twice, I think. No time this year. Good luck! Nice Hershey kiss stamp.

  5. I remember that Bugs Bunny stamp.

  6. I love the rabbit on the additional ounce stamp, and. Bugs Bunny is a great idea for another wabbit.

  7. It would ease the pain of paying for an extra ounce if one can use a bush rabbit stamp. I like your neighbours enthusiasm for displays. A house near me has a gnome with a basket of Easter eggs. Easter is very inclusive:)


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