D Is for Dill

D is for Dill. 

Dill doesn't care for transplanting, it has a long taproot, so I start it in deep containers, like large coffee cups or Slurpee cups.  The tops have ready-made holes!  The same goes for any plant with a long taproot. 


  1. I love dill. I’ve never tried to grow it, though. I tried to grow basil and failed.

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  2. I don't have much of a green thumb, though I was successful with a few herbs many years ago. Unfortunately, no matter how many different things I've put it in, I'm just not fond of dill. I wish I was a better gardener!

  3. Replies
    1. I do! I sort of "collect" different ones. Like oregano. I have Hot & Spicy, Greek Mountain, Italian, and Golden. I mostly use oregano, thyme, sage, the ordinary herbs I guess.

  4. This is a dilly of a post...perfect for letter D. Grown Dill from seeds before and rather like the plant more than what makes for dill flavor.
    Sue at WhereBluebonnetsGrow

    1. Same here. I don't use it as an herb, just pretties.

  5. I grow herbs but not really a Dill. Not sure how to use it. Now Basil. Thats a different matter. Do love my Basil.

    1. I don't use it! I admire the foliage. Basil is one I have trouble growing!

  6. Do you attempt pickles with your own dill?

    1. No. I tried once, but I like crisp pickles, the ones you buy in the cold cases.

  7. I'm going to try dill again this year. Last year it failed. I also made a mini herb garden in a whiskey barrel next to my mail box. I figure I go to the mail every day so it will encourage me to pull herbs for my recipes. ☺

  8. Great tip! I'll keep it in mind when I plant for next season.

    Ronel visiting for D: My Languishing TBR: D


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