Tuesday Treasures - April 16, 2024

 I actually found some nice items in the Goodwill Bins a few weeks ago!  And, my total for these, plus a few other things was only $3.75!  

This glamorous 1960s poodle made in Japan is in near perfect condition!  I found a cocker spaniel there last year, with damage, and I donated it to St. V. de Paul, where they sold it for $10.  These poodles go for more online ($30-$40), but this cutie's staying here!

I'm still trying to identify this vintage lithograph in a 4 1/2" wooden frame, or find another like it.  Surprisingly, it's "Hand Made in Italy."  This was one of four breakables I bought, totaling only 8¢ since breakables like glass and pottery, picture frames, and the like are 10¢lb.

The second Russian lacquer spoon from the Bins.  This one is hand-painted with strawberries.  SO many nice things that were probably souvenirs end up in the Bins. 

This metal birdbath with birds (not vintage, just distressed to look it) was the base of a lamp.  I cut off the cord and removed the guts to make a cute garden decoration.  It's not big, just 5" tall.  Heavy for its size, but as an electrical item it was only 59¢ lb.

Lastly, a rustic tin cookie cutter.  Either vintage and hand-made, or new and hand-made.  Either way, rustic and hand-made, the sides have been soldered onto the base.  

 I'm happy!


  1. Those are some nice finds. The poodle is amazing.

  2. Replies
    1. It's so cute! It just screams/yaps "vintage!" It's like the women's clothing of the same time period, hats and shrugs (I had a furry shrug as a child, I hated it, my mother made me wear it to birthday parties, where the girls all wore dresses too!).


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