V Is for Verbascum

 V is for Verbascum (mullein).

A year old plant winter sown last year with  flowers just forming.  These will be purple, others are pink or white. 

This isn't the same mullein as above.  This is moth mullein, considered a weed (some states list it as a noxious weed, in OR it shows up under wildflowers), but I love it.  So do the bees.  I did grow some from seed.


  1. wow...the flowers get better and better. Gorgeous.

    1. I first saw moth mullein at the park and thought it was the most beautiful flower I'd ever seen! I was able to find seeds for sale on eBay, from a local seller. I think some of mine volunteered too. https://lisasgardenadventureinoregon.blogspot.com/2023/08/friday-skywatch-august-4-2023.html
      There are similar looking ones sold as garden flowers. The one I winter sowed is much smaller.


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