Y Is for Yarrow

 Y is for Yarrow.

The yellow wasn't winter sown, it's from divisions of Moonshine yarrow.  The white and the pink (Summer Berries) were winter sown. Summer Berries has shown itself to be very invasive and so far impossible to get rid of in the front yard. Moonshine is a little one that behaves itself. 


  1. We love yarrow. It grows wild in our garden, I didn’t know it had other colours than white. Mummy makes sure the one that turned up in her vegetable patch keeps growing every year. We had a few leaves from it earlier in the month.
    Yummy 😀

    1. People like in soup or dried as a spice. I just like it for the flowers.

  2. oh, that is the name of those flowers.... I did not know. Pretty!

  3. Beautiful. But I can't plant it in my garden as my horses have this insane idea that they should eat it (and they really shouldn't).

    Ronel visiting for Y: My Languishing TBR: Y
    Cursed Werewolves


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