Wordy Wednesday - March 3, 2024

I don't want to neglect current garden goings-on just because it's the A to Z!

Hardy Geranium Breeders Mix

One of, if not the, favorite flower, Persian catmint.  It blooms and blooms and blooms.  I cut it back in summer, and it's back blooming again.  The leaves smell wonderful.  It self-seeds and spreads which is great.  I first grew it from seed a few years ago. 

Wild Strawberries 

Fire Storm Geum

I bought a box of two lilies at the grocery store for cheap.  I don't usually bother with lilies (and daylilies do not count as lilies!) but thought I'd give them a try.  I got some Stargazer lilies a couple of years ago, and I think one is coming back. These are just called Oriental lilies.  I don't know lilies, so have no idea if the two different colors sprouting mean different color flowers, or it just happens. Do you know? 

The far back had its first mowing Sunday.  It's still very ragged and weedy.   At least the puddles are gone, and the ground is only damp in places.

This is the Butterfly Garden.  It looks a bit sparse, but the perennials are coming back.  The half circle shape at the back is what I call the "old asparagus bed," since it used to have asparagus.  Now, it's a sort of catchall perennial bed. Iris.  Lupine.  Blanket flower.  Persian catmint. 

The Pollinator Garden.   Beds get names so I can keep track of what is planted where.  Loads of plants coming back in here! 

The Knot Garden (which isn't really a knot garden, I know).  It lost a few plants this past winter.  Now I have room for new ones! 

Garlic (grown from some kitchen garlic that sprouted) and Welsh onions are doing well.  At least the garlic is, I've moved some of it.  The onions are coming back, but it looks like a smaller clump.  
The garlic is in the corner, with flat leaves.  The Welsh onion have the round, hollow leaves, and are in the middle, shorter.  I have to remember not to plant beans in this bed.  Beans and onions are not friends!  

There we have it.  Caught up on some of what's going on in the far backyard. 


  1. Everything is springing to life! Do you have a cat that gets into your catmint? Mine loves chewing bits of the leaves off. He's clearly addicted, lol.

    1. My cats stay indoors, and I bring them pieces of regular catnip (one loves to eat the entire piece, stem and all!). I have regular catnip, and several kinds of catmint, and rarely do the neighborhood cats bother any. For a while, last summer or the summer before the lemony catnip looked like something slept in it. My own cats don't like that kind, and I think it stinks! Nothing touches this Persian catmint in the front yard at all. Odd cats around here I guess!
      I see you are in Livermore. I grew up in Walnut Creek (later became part of Lafayette) and lived most of my adult life in Concord, before moving here to OR in 2011.

  2. Nice to see that it's no longer underwater.

    1. Yes, it is! It's still quite muddy in spots, but not squishy mud.


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