Skywatch Friday: A Country Drive - April 19, 2024

 Skywatch Friday

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Last week my son and I went out to the transfer station (we call it "the dump," but it isn't, if just takes the trash somewhere else) for some compost and potting soil.  The use our green waste, compost it, add some other good stuff for the potting soil, bag it, and sell it back to us.

It's just up ahead.   Here you can see both Upper and Lower Table Rocks.  They are volcanic plateaus. 

Leaving with my compost and potting soil.  The open trailer is for broken toilets. 

It had been awhile since we'd taken a drive further out, into the country, so we did!

Lower Table Rock

Upper Table Rock with wild mustard on the hill and an orchard of pears in bloom.  Pears are big here, it's where Harry and David is headquartered.  Talk to anyone who's lived here long and it's likely he or she packed pears into gift boxes during some holiday season! 

Another view because it's closer and pretty.  Now it's wine grapes instead of pears.

Table Rock Bible Church 

Once a school house, the building is 100 years old. 

Coming back we see Mount McLoughlin.   It used to be called Mt. Pitt, and there are still streets incorporating that name.   It's a dormant volcano.  

Heading into civilization is this factory of concrete... stuff... like manholes (I never thought about what a manhole was like underneath that manhole cover!) and culverts.

Then we went to the Goodwill out that way!  Actually came away with some treasures, but you'll have to wait for a Tuesday to find out about those.  Not this coming Tuesday though, probably the 30th.

Have a great weekend!  


  1. Replies
    1. From the dump to the country to the manhole manufacturers!

  2. Replies
    1. It's very big in certain places in the valley!

  3. The blooming mustard on the hillside is pretty. That's a beautiful old church!

  4. The church is in a style you don't see where I live, and I always enjoy seeing your scenery - we don't have dormant volcanos or tabletop plateaus. The concrete things were - entertaining?

  5. It's nice to get out, even if it is to "the dump". Looks like you saw a lot of interesting places.

  6. Some beautiful scenery and wide open skies.


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