Tuesday Treasures - April 30, 2024

 Two pieces of art from the Goodwill Bins.

This first is a pastel with a smudged, since it is unfixed, signature. Consensus is R  _ _ _  Scott, with a possible e after the R.  It's that letter before S that throws us.  It looks rather like a capital A, but no other letters are sharp like that, and if it was a capital for a middle initial, it's too short compared to the R and the S.  It was taped to a foam board, so survived the Bins with just a few smudges.

This was only taped in a mat, no backing, so it's amazing it still looks good!  A companion by the same artist didn't fare as well, it was tattered and impaled on a golfclub.  I believe this was done in some sort of pencil.  Close examination shows no evidence of it being a print, although I may be wrong.  The paper is a textured watercolor type not usually used in prints.  Simply signed FD.

I have another wonderful painting, an antique, I got at Goodwill, but I'm waiting for olive oil soap to come in the mail tomorrow to clean it before I share.  I read up on cleaning oil paintings, which it is, and olive oil soap is recommended for do-it-yourself.  The soaps locally sold aren't olive oil based.  I'll do a tiny little bit of some dark corner to see how it works!  


  1. Replies
    1. There is often discarded and/or unsold original art. Sometimes I get it just to save it, and donate it to a different thrift store and gets fewer donations and is able to keep things around, seemingly forever.

  2. Good luck with the cleanup. Those are interesting artworks.

    1. The still life didn't photograph well, it's a bit brighter. Now to find mats and frames, used of course! And more room for the still life in the kitchen/eating area...


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